News Releases

    MCC Welcomes Michigan House Resolution Opposing HHS Mandate

    A recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that forces religious employers to violate their consciences by including morally objectionable services in their health benefit plans represents a broad attack on the constitutional right to religious freedom and the conscience rights of all Americans, Michigan Catholic Conference testified today before the House Government Operations Committee.

    Rebecca Mastee Joins MCC as Policy Advocate

    “Rebecca has developed a highly impressive track record advocating on behalf of the public policy issues that are of key concern to this organization, and we are quite pleased that she will be joining our team to help promote them in the Michigan Legislature,” said Tom Hickson, MCC Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy.

    New Poll Indicates Overwhelming Statewide Support for School Choice

    All Demographic, Ideological & Party Affiliations Want Ability to Choose

    As the Michigan Legislature continues its review of a package of bills that reforms education policy in the state, Michigan voters have responded to a recent statewide survey overwhelmingly in favor of having the ability to choose where their child receives an education.

    Catholic Conference Urges Support for Education Reform Bills

    Legislation Reflects “Parents as Primary Educator’ Philosophy

    Parents are the primary educators of their children, and greater school choice options that are opened to parents and students will only lead to a more robust school system in the State of Michigan, Michigan Catholic Conference testified today before the Senate Education Committee in support of legislation that will expand the number of charter schools in Michigan, expand schools of choice, and make necessary revisions to dual enrollment and shared time policies.

    Catholic Conference Applauds Passage of Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

    Banning partial-birth abortion in our state is the most common sense policy a civilized society could enact. There is no place in our state for those who seek to terminate the life of an unborn child partially delivered from his or her mother. Today Michigan should stand proud in following the lead of dozens of other states and the federal government by prohibiting this most heinous and gruesome practice.

    Catholic Conference Speaks to Passage of Welfare Reform Legislation

    “Impact on Families and Children Will be Felt for Years to Come,’ Says Conference

    Today's passage of welfare reform legislation that will cut off from state assistance a minimum of 13,000 families and some 25,000 children was fast-tracked through the legislative process while neglecting to address how the measures will impact destitute children, Michigan Catholic Conference stated today following the House's concurrence of House Bills 4409 and 4410. The legislation now heads to the Governor for his signature.

    In Statement, Michigan Bishops Urge Support for Immigrants

    Stating that it is unfair and mistaken to blame undocumented persons for problems more accurately attributed to a failed federal policy, the seven diocesan Catholic Bishops in Michigan have composed a statement on the public policy issue of immigration that is now being sent to Catholics across the state, to members of the Michigan Legislature and to the Michigan congressional delegation.

    Catholic Conference Urges Greater Deliberation on Welfare Reform Legislation

    In order to allow for the Legislature to discuss how the state will prevent thousands of children from falling deeper into poverty, Michigan Catholic Conference today urged in a memo to the Speaker of the House and the chairman of the House Families, Children and Seniors Committee for House Bills 4409 and 4410, legislation that reforms the state’s welfare assistance program, to be sent to a conference committee.

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