News Releases

    MCC Urging Michigan House to Pass Conscience Rights for Adoption Agencies

    This morning the House Families, Children and Seniors committee passed House Bills 5763 and 5764, and Michigan Catholic Conference is now urging the full House of Representatives to pass the bills. The legislation would provide conscience protections to faith based adoption and foster care child placement agencies that have come under attack nationwide due to their religious teachings.

    Polling Shows Statewide Support for Abortion Clinic Licensing

    85 Percent of Respondents Want Facilities Clean and Safe

    A legislative measure that would allow state health officials to license and inspect every abortion clinic in the state has received overwhelming statewide support according to a poll recently commissioned by Michigan Catholic Conference. Currently, only four of 32 abortion clinics in Michigan are licensed, which means 28 of those facilities remain unlicensed and thereby rarely, if ever inspected by state officials for basic health and safety requirements. The policy is included in House Bill 5711 which could soon be addressed by the full Senate during the legislative “lame-duck” session.

    MCC Calls on Legislature to Adopt Religious Liberty and Conscience Protection Act

    Measure Strikes Balance Between Conscience Rights and Employer Needs

    Individuals and providers in the health care profession must not be forced to pay for or provide services that violate their religious beliefs, Michigan Catholic Conference stated today in support of Senate Bill 975, the “Religious Liberty and Conscience Protection Act.” Sponsored by Senator John Moolenaar (R-Midland), SB 975, which passed the Senate Health Policy Committee this afternoon 6–1, protects the religious liberty rights of health care institutions and individuals while at the same time provides flexibility for employers to meet their health care needs.

    MCC Urges Conscience Rights for Faith Based Child Placement Agencies

    Faith based adoption and foster care agencies must be able to operate according to their faith tradition without administrative, judicial or legislative interference, Michigan Catholic Conference testified before the House Families, Children and Seniors Committee today in support of House Bills 5763 and 5764. The legislation has become increasingly important as across the country numerous Catholic Charities agencies, which for decades have provided social services for poor and neglected children, are being forced to close their doors following judicial ruling or discriminatory legislation that mandates the agency to operate outside its religious tenets.

    Polling Reveals Strong Support for Religious Liberty in the Provision of Public Services

    As President Obama and Governor Romney prepare for their first debate this evening, Michigan Catholic Conference is releasing polling data that indicates overwhelming support for religious organizations to provide public services in accordance with their faith and without government interference. According to 600 likely Michigan voters, 80 percent of respondents answered in the affirmative to the following question: “Do you believe religious organizations in the U.S. should or should not have the freedom to provide educational and charitable assistance to the general public that is in accordance with their own religious beliefs and teachings, without government interference?”

    MCC to Urge “No’ Vote on Proposal 5

    The Michigan Catholic Conference Board of Directors earlier this week adopted a position to oppose Proposal 5, the ballot question that will ask Michigan voters if tax increases should only be approved with two-thirds support from both the Michigan House of Representatives and the State Senate.

    MCC Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee for Acting to Protect Health and Safety of Michigan Women

    Legislation Will License Abortion Clinics that Remain Unlicensed, Uninspected

    Michigan Catholic Conference is applauding members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who voted today to support legislation that will better protect the health and safety of Michigan women who choose the path of abortion. House Bill 5711, which passed the committee by a vote of 3–1, seeks to ensure that unlicensed abortion businesses in Michigan become licensed and thereby inspected by state health officials.

    “Safe, Legal and Rare’ Has Found Its Death in Michigan

    News reports of a planned Capitol protest for Wednesday, July 18 by pro-abortion rights advocates signals the death of “safe, legal and rare” in Michigan, Michigan Catholic Conference stated today. The rally is in opposition to House Bill 5711, legislation that passed the Michigan House of Representatives in June with bipartisan support that would license non-licensed abortion clinics and inspect locations that have rarely or never been inspected.

    Catholic Conference Urges Parental Options in Rewrite of State School Aid Act

    As a panel appointed by Governor Snyder has met today to begin discussing a transition from the State School Aid Act of 1979 toward a “Michigan Education Finance Act of 2013,” Michigan Catholic Conference is encouraging its members and those participating to focus efforts on ensuring sufficient options are available for parents to choose an educational setting that best fits their children’s needs.

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