Latest News

    Important News Regarding Clergy Auto Insurance and Secretary of State Fraud Program

    The Michigan Secretary of State has instituted a fraud procedure that may affect the renewal of your license plates. The Clergy Auto Program is written on a “Commercial Policy”. With your name and vehicle information on the ID card, some offices are presuming this is personal automobile coverage and try to find your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in their database. This being a commercial policy, the VIN is not in the database and this flags their fraud program. Please keep this letter of explanation with you and present it to the Secretary of State and they can call Michigan Catholic Conference for confirmation, if needed.

    EPA Alert: Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Program

    Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Program affects contractors, property managers, and maintenance personnel working in homes, child care facilities and schools built before 1978. Common renovation activities like sanding, cutting, and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint, which can be harmful to adults and children.

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