The Word from Lansing is a regular column written by Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) staff for Catholic news outlets. Through these columns, MCC outlines current advocacy issues of importance to the Conference and discusses the Catholic position and role in the political process. This publication complements the more regular updates provided by Michigan Catholic Conference’s Catholic Advocacy Network.

    Pushing Back Against Racism

    A young African-American man reads the Bible
    Photo by CNS photo/Bob RollerPhoto credit

    In November 2018, USCCB approved a pastoral statement on racism: “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love.” This statement offers Catholic teaching and recommended actions for addressing the sin of racism. MCC’s The Word from Lansing column for February shares more from this document, as well as lessons that prominent African-American Catholics offer to the Church.

    2019–2020: A Blueprint for the Common Good

    The interior of the dome at the Michigan State Capitol building

    Ten advocacy principles will guide staff in the 2019–2020 state legislative session: human life and dignity, preferential option for the poor and regulatory policies, religious liberty, education, children and families, health care, restorative justice, immigration and refugees, care for creation, and select federal issues. In The Word from Lansing column for this month, MCC delves further into the importance of engagement, advocacy, and collaboration, guided by these principles.

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