Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    Bishops Express Grief, Hope After Prop 3 Passes

    A hand reaching out and placing a folded ballot into a ballot box

    Despite the immense efforts of Catholics and others all across the state, voters unfortunately chose to approve Proposal 3 this week. In the face of that disappointing defeat for the cause of human life, read what the bishops of Michigan had to say in response. Plus, we offer a recap of the other major results from the election, including the news that Democrats will control all three branches of government.

    Last Push to Defeat Proposal 3

    Fight Like Heaven: Vote NO on extreme Proposal 3

    It’s the final update before the election and the final push to defeat Proposal 3. In addition to making sure you’re registered to vote, there are also opportunities to knock doors and make calls to get out the vote to help defeat Proposal 3 in the final days.

    MCC Joins Advocacy for Catholic Schools in DC

    From left to right: Laura Knaus, Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit; Paul Stankewitz, policy advocate for MCC; Eric Haley, Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit; David Faber, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

    Several MCC-supported bills designed to improve the adoption and foster care process in Michigan were signed into law, and MCC was present in Washington, D.C. this week to aid in advocating for Michigan Catholic schools at the federal level. Plus, the latest educational piece against Proposal 3

    Progressive Women Speak Against Prop 3

    A member of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising speaks at the Michigan State Capitol against Proposal 3 during a press conference on Thursday, October 13, 2022.

    MCC staff were on hand to support a Democrats For Life press conference where several progressive and left-leaning women explained why they are opposed to Proposal 3. Plus, the bishops of Michigan joined together to issue a letter to 230,000-plus Catholic homes urging a no vote on Proposal 3.

    Why Prop 3 Allows Abortion on Demand

    A young pregnant woman outlined by the light coming in from the window behind her.

    Respect Life Sunday is this weekend, which means it’s an opportune time to speak out against Proposal 3. Find out how to get involved with your parish efforts against Proposal 3 in this edition of Lansing Update. Plus, we provide updates on legislative action this week, including a new scholarship program that includes aid to attend private colleges, as well as more state funding for foster care youth and more affordable housing.

    Respect Life This Sunday: Speak Out Against Prop 3

    October 2022: Respect Life. Called to Serve Moms in Need.

    Respect Life Sunday is this weekend, which means it’s an opportune time to speak out against Proposal 3. Find out how to get involved with your parish efforts against Proposal 3 in this edition of Lansing Update. Plus, we provide updates on legislative action this week, including a new scholarship program that includes aid to attend private colleges, as well as more state funding for foster care youth and more affordable housing.

    Learn How to Talk About Prop 3

    Proposal 3—Equipping for Life Statewide Webinar. September 29th from 7–8:30 pm.

    The first week of a seven-week campaign to educate about Proposal 3 details how children would be able to obtain abortions without parental consent. Plus an opportunity to learn how to talk about Proposal 3, as well as a call to action to oppose concerning federal rules threatening conscience protections for Catholic health providers.

    Fighting Like Heaven Against Proposal 3

    Fight Like Heaven. Pray / Fast / Alms. Vote NO on Proposal 3 Extreme Abortion Ballot Initiative.

    This week, equip yourself with resources to help defeat Proposal 3, including a new MCC column and the latest video ad from the campaign. Plus, join the effort to Fight Like Heaven and pray and fast for 54 days leading up to Election Day. For more, read

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