Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    A Catholic Response to the Population Problem

    The family is the foundation of society —Vatican II

    The long-awaited report from the state population growth council is out, and MCC commented on what the council did well and what they missed. Read more on the Catholic perspective to the state population problem, as well as other updates on legislation MCC has been working on that became law recently.

    Pro-Family Policies Would Propel Michigan’s Population

    Government leaders must do everything possible to ensure that all can have the minimum spiritual and material means needed to live in dignity and to create and support a family. —Pope Francis

    With public policymakers concerned about Michigan’s lack of population growth, MCC put forth its perspective that policies focused on supporting and growing families are key for long-term population growth in this state. For more on MCC’s advocacy on this issue, plus some resources for getting Advent started off right this Sunday, read this week’s Lansing Update.

    Crucial Limits on Abortion Would Remain Law Under House-Passed Version of RHA

    Rebecca Mastee, policy advocate for MCC, testifies against legislation that would legalize surrogacy contracts in Michigan during the House Judiciary Committee this week.

    While the House passed portions of the dangerous Reproductive Health Act on party-line votes in a late night session this week, the scope of the House-approved RHA is a vast departure from what abortion advocates were seeking to remove from state law when it comes to abortion limits. Also, MCC testifies against legalizing surrogacy contracts in legislation that is speeding through the Legislature. Read about that and more in this week’s Lansing Update.

    New Threat to Women, Children Emerges at Capitol

    The Michigan State Capitol Building in early fall

    In addition to the dangerous Reproductive Health Act moving through the Legislature, a new threat to the health and safety of women and children in Michigan has suddenly emerged in Lansing. Learn more about this new issue and what MCC’s concerns are about it in this week’s Lansing Update.

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