Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    May 4, 2018

    Michigan Catholic Conference staff and representatives of The Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo and Diocese of Gaylord speak before the House Law and Justice Committee regarding safe environments and policies to protect children

    MCC and Diocesan Reps Testify on Behalf of Mandatory Reporting Bills; In Joint Letter, MCC and MANS Urge Immediate Appeal of Mandate Ruling; 2018–2019 Budget Proposals Continue to Conference Committees; House Approves Exemption on Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation; With Changes, House Committee Clears School Safety Package; MCC Opposes Medicaid Work Requirements in House Committee.

    April 30, 2018

    A young girl draws a heart in the raindrops that have collected on a window

    Court of Claims Ruling Strikes Down Mandate Funding, Next Steps Being Considered; House Committee Continues Consideration of Child Protection Measures; Legislation Expanding Definition of Coercion Becomes Law; State Lawmakers Move Critical Budget Proposals Forward; Michigan Legislature Considers School Safety Measures; Updates on State Immigration Resolution, DACA, and the USA Act.

    April 20, 2018

    A smiling mother holds her child

    MCC Supports Child Protection Bills in House Committee Discussions on HHS Appropriations Budget Continue in Both Chambers; Tuition Grant Restored in Both Budget Versions, Other Education Measures Await Vote; House of Representatives Votes 96-13 on Driver's License Bills; Immigration Reform Resolution Continues to Have MCC Support; Medicaid Work Requirement Passes Senate, Continues Forward.

    April 13, 2018

    Four children and their teacher working on a science project

    House of Reps Introduces Package of Child Protection Measures; House HHS Appropriations Subcommittee Moves 2018–2019 Budget Recommendation; Appropriations Subcommittees Move Education Budget Proposals Forward; Coercion Expansion in Human Trafficking Law Sent to Governor's Desk; House of Representatives Unanimously Approves Stillborn Tax Exemption; Driver's License Bills Amended; Continue to the House of Representatives; Michigan Catholic Conference Receives Four Awards for PR Excellence.

    March 16, 2018

    MCC Policy Advocate Paul Stankewitz and Archdiocese of Detroit Superintendent Kevin Kijewski meet with U.S. Congressional leaders in Washington, D.C.

    MCC Continues to Support Safe Environments While Opposing Retroactive Measures; In 104–2 Vote, House Approves Hospice Fix Regarding Opioids; Stillborn Tax Exemption Legislation Receives Consideration; MCC Expresses Concerns with State ID and Driver's License Bills; Federal STOP School Violence Act Clears U.S. House of Representatives with Wide Support; Pope Francis Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary of Election to Papacy.

    March 9, 2018

    MCC Vice President for Public Policy Tom Hickson guides nonpublic school principals to Senate session and helps them pull lawmakers off the Senate floor for individual legislative meetings.

    Save-the-Date! Monday, March 12 is National Call-in Day for the Conscience Protection Act; Foster Families Speak Out Against ACLU Case; Nonpublic School Principals Meet with Legislators for MANS Public Policy Day; Medical Marijuana Warning Label for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers Continues Forward; Bills Protect Victims from Attending School with Their Attackers, Continue to Senate Committee; Court Action Temporarily Extends Some DACA Protections; USCCB Urges Concrete Actions to Address Scourge of Gun Violence.

    March 2, 2018

    The Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools (MANS), which accredits and supports Catholic and other faith-based schools, testifies before the House and Senate School Aid Appropriation Subcommittees about the importance of shared time.

    Bill Expanding Definition of Coercion in Human Trafficking Law Clears State House; Senate Approves Pro-Marriage Policy With Wide Bipartisan Support; Shared Time Advocates Testify in House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees; MCC Supports Measures to Prevent Abuse and Hold Offenders Accountable.

    February 23, 2018

    MCC's Tom Hickson testifies before the Senate Families, Seniors, and  Human Services Committee in support of Senate Bill 752 alongside its sponsor, Senator Wayne Schmidt

    Monday, February 26 is a National Call-in Day for Dreamers; Pro-Marriage Policy, Supported by MCC, Passes Senate Committee; Changes to Do-Not-Resuscitate Law Continue to Michigan Senate.

    February 16, 2018

    Caution tape reading 'POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS' in the foreground and rescue workers in the background

    Sentencing Bill Includes Embryos and Fetuses as Victims, Continues to Full Senate; Taxation Prohibition on Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Passes House Committee; Bill to Expand Coercion Definition in Human Trafficking Statute Moves on to House; Weatherization Funds Bill Clears Senate Committee; USCCB: Federal Budget Should Build Toward Common Good.

    February 9, 2018

    Tom Hickson (MCC), Curtis Chambers (Burt Lake Band of Ottawa Indians), and Paul Stankewitz (MCC) stand outside of Representative Jack Bergman's office in Washington, D.C.

    Governor Presents Budget Recommendations to Legislature for 2018–2019 Year; Dual Enrollment Expansion Becomes Law; MCC Participates in Social Ministry Gathering, Speaks to Need for Dreamer Solution; National Marriage Week is February 7–14; February 8th Marks International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking.

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